The knee-chest position, said to relieve gas and stimulate abdominal
organs, involves:
• standing straight with arms at the sides or you may lie down
• lifting the right knee toward the chest
• grasping the right ankle with the left hand
• pulling the leg as close to the chest as possible
• holding the position for about eight seconds
• repeating these steps with the left leg

The cobra position, which can be repeated as many as four times
a day, involves:
• lying on the stomach with legs together
• placing the palms just below the shoulders, holding elbows close
to the body
• inhaling, then lifting the head (face forward) and chest off the floor
• keeping the navel in contact with the floor
• looking as far upward as possible
• holding this position for three to six seconds
• exhaling and lowering the chest

The spine twist is another pose that is recommended for daily use
in relieving constipation. The movement rotates the spine, tones
the spinal nerves andligaments, and improves digestion. Keep your
spine erect and your shoulders leveled in the position. Breathe
steadily. Twist a little more each time you exhale. Twist first to the
left, as below, then repeat the sequence twisting to the right.