Are You Overweight? Calculate Your BMI
Even if you don't qualify for being overweight at this time in your life, for most people, weight control eventually becomes a valid concern due to a variety of factors... lack of exercise, metabolism slows down, stress...
Therefore it is wise to cleanse the body & change the diet to in order to keep it clean. This gives us a better chance of avoiding what many Americans end up with...diabetes, arthritis, hip replacements, ...
In order to deal with the problem of obesity, it is necessary to define what it is, know the general causes and know some risk factors. I don't believe "ignorance is bliss". I believe we need not to fear & take a look at what's going on regarding every area of our health so that we can gain the knowledge we need to deal with it head on. Many things can be prevented if we take a look, count the cost & implement some good habits daily, monthly & yearly.
In simple terms, obesity means that someone has a higher proportion of body fat than is considered healthy. A standardized tool for measuring obesity is known as the Body Mass Index (BMI). Use this formula to calculate your BMI:
Weight in pounds multiplied by 705 and divided by height in inches squared.
For example, a 185-pound, 5 foot 4 inch (or 64") female would have a BMI of :
Weight in pounds 185 times 705 = 130,425
Height in inches squared: 64" times 64 = 4096
130,425 divided by 4096 = 31.84
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has defined the following BMI categories:
Normal weight = 18.5 to 24.9
Overweight = 25 to 29.9
Obesity = 30 or greater